Pivotal People” – of vital or critical importance to the success of the organization.

The Pivotal Fit®

Each person added to an organization presents an opportunity to enhance the performance of the entire team. Through our experience and refined process, we developed our signature offering, The Pivotal Fit®, a rigorous four step process, a testament to our commitment to quality work and client success.

Our experiences with Six Sigma process improvement taught us the importance of process rigor and continuous improvement in sustaining quality outcomes.  With our experience and understanding of organizational psychology, we draw parallels to the meticulous approach of an FBI profiler, we delve deep into the intricacies of each role. We consider not just the qualifications but the subtle nuances of skills, experience, and culture. This rigorous four step process ensures that we find the right individual for the pivotal role, enhancing the team’s capabilities.

Our commitment doesn't end there. We believe in a two-way match, ensuring that while the individual fits the organization, the organization equally complements the individual. And as they embark on their new journey, we stand with them, offering support through a 90-day onboarding process.

If you're looking to add a pivotal person to your team, The Pivotal Fit® approach could be the solution you need. It's about finding the right person who can seamlessly fit into and play a pivotal role on your team.

Pivotal Profile

  • process similar to fbi profiling

  • foundation step to define “the pivotal Fit®”

  • deep, multi-dimensional profile


  • unique and proven process for discovering top, hard-to-find talenT

  • Creative sourccing identification

  • Identify CANDIDATES WITH “THE pivotal fit®”

Wrong Fit Firewall

  • reduce the RISK of a costly wrong fit hire

  • REFINED, rigorous screening process for “FIT”

onboardinG SUPPORT

  • OUR Support does not end at hirE

  • We develop a Documented 90 day onboarding plan to help the candidate build relationship and understand organization capability

  • 90 day onboarding process results in SHORTER RAMP TIME to PERFORMANCE AND effective assimilation